Frequent Asked Questions

We have put together some commonly asked questions to give you more information about TherapyWorx and simplify your rehabilitation process. If you have a question that you can’t find the answer to, please fill out the form below or go to contact page.

What is an Accredited Hand Therapist?

Accredited hand therapists have either an Occupational or a Physiotherapy degree. Hand Therapy is an area of advanced practice for both these professions. After years of further study, clinical experience and mentoring Accreditation is achievable.

An Accredited Hand Therapist (AHT) credential is your guarantee that the therapist is qualified to provide safe, evidence- based diagnosis , advice and treatment.

Is Therapy Worx a local Hand Therapy Clinic?

Yes….Our Hand Therapists live locally. The clinic is established right here in Wonthaggi, Bass Coast, by our founder and Hand Therapist, Jane Steet. Jane started TherapyWorx to decrease the need for our regional clients to travel to Melbourne Metro for specialised treatment.

Do I have to be referred by a doctor?

No…. Hand Therapists can assess and treat without a referral from a doctor. However, some private health insurers require a referral as does  Workcover, DVA and TAC .

What do I need to bring?

Reports from your investigations (including x-rays, ultrasounds, CTs, MRIs and/or nerve conduction tests) are useful to have at the time of your initial consultation. They help to piece the puzzle together when a diagnosis is unclear and assist in choosing the correct treatment option. If you have any previous splints or braces please bring. them along 

How many visits will I need?

The number of treatments will vary depending on the diagnosis and the individual. After a comprehensive initial  assessment, the Hand Therapist will discuss the optimal treatment plan for the rehabilitation process

Can I claim through Medicare?

In some cases, Hand Therapy can be partly rebated through Medicare via the Enhanced Primary Care Plan (EPC).  You will need to speak with your GP to determine your eligibility for being placed on an EPC. There is a small gap (out of pocket expense) for each consultation.

What about Health Insurance?

Privately insured patients may be able to claim Hand Therapy services and/or splints through their health fund. However, rebate amounts will depend on the actual fund and the level of cover taken out. If you are unsure, please check with your insurance company to see what you may be reimbursed for. Remember to quote Occupational Therapy as the service being received.

Covered under WorkSafe TAC or DVA?

If your issue is related to WorkSafe (WorkCover), TAC, or DVA, we can often bill them directly with no out-of-pocket cost to you. Please bring a referral from your doctor or specialist, along with your claim number and insurer details to your first appointment. Without this information, you may need to settle the account during your consultation and seek reimbursement from the appropriate funding body or employer later.

I just need a splint, do I need an appointment?

Yes….. TherapyWorx custom makes thermoplastic splints specific for your diagnosis and specializes in fracture and sport splints. We also stock many  off the shelf braces that are not available in shops. It is important that you are assessed correctly to ensure you receive the best fit and regime about your splint or brace. Splints and braces are an additional cost to your consultation and varies depending on size and type.

Can't find what you are looking for? Ask us a question.

Feel free to ask any Hand Therapy related questions over the phone, or have your questions answered via the form below. Your message will be dispatched directly to our staff who will answer as soon as they can.